How To Increase the Odds of IVF Success By up To 65% & Live Birth by 91%

By Paul J.O'Brien
B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Cert Clin. Med., Pn1, PN-SSR, PN-NCA, M.T.C.M.C.I., M.C.Th.A.

If you are undergoing IVF treatment I can help improve the success rates of IVF substantially. It doesn't matter if this is your first round or your fifth, the protocols I use in my clinic are proven to increase IVF Success by as much as 65% (Paulus WE, et al, "Journal of Fertility & Sterility", 2002).

They are also proven to Increase the odds of a live birth by 91% (Manheimer E et al. "British Medical Journal", 2008). And I see these same level of results and better each week in my clinic. 

The same is true with Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET): "Individualized acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer was associated with 55% increase in FET live births and 42% reduction in biochemical pregnancies compared with FET alone" (Phillippi K, et al, "Journal of Fertility & Sterility", 2022

We can also Increase Natural Fertility by up to 70% (Westergaard L et al, Fertility and Sterility 2006 Vol 85). 

With IVF costing at the lowest in Ireland €4,495 and upwards of €13,500, just two acupuncture sessions with me (€100 per session) scheduled before and after your transfer and are shown in study after study to be over 60% more effective than IVF alone.

The science shows: 

  • Clinical pregnancy rates (a fetus seen on ultrasound) have a 65% improvement with acupuncture
  • Ongoing pregnancy rates (ultrasound showed a viable fetus after the 12th week of pregnancy) have an 87% improvement with acupuncture
  • Live birth - 91% better with acupuncture!

For a fraction of the cost of your IVF (and my treatments are covered by the HSF Health Plan, Glo Health, Aviva, Laya and VHI), just 2 sessions with me you can substantially increase the odds of pregnancy and of maintaining that pregnancy. This is the best thing you can do to improve your odds of IVF Success. 

How Do You Increase Your Chances of IVF Success?

IVF Success Step 1: Fill Out the Form Below

The first step to take is to fill out the form below. I'm going to ask you some quick questions to find out if you are a suitable candidate for these treatments. Submit the Form and I will either email you or phone you personally to discuss your case and arrange your Pre and Post Transfer Sessions.

I understand that you often don’t get your transfer time until the days leading up to the transfer and have a system in place to handle all the scheduling for your big day. I frequently come in early, stay late, and even come in on weekends to accommodate your transfer day schedule. 

IVF Success Step 2: Attend Your 1st Transfer Day Session


Once we have discussed your case, you will either have been scheduled in for a full consultation or we will have organised your first session as your Pre-Transfer session. The closer we can get to the transfer window the better. This is why I ask about which clinic your are undergoing IVF in - I need to know how close you will be to my clinic to appropriately schedule the session. :-)

Your First IVF Success Session will last approximately 45-60 minutes and you will be treated by me personally.

My name is Paul J.O'Brien and I am one of Ireland's leading experts in Traditional Oriental Medicine, specialising in the field of natural reproductive health and fertility. My articles, advice and successes have been featured in the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Irish Examiner and more. I am proud to hold the highest live birth success rate in Ireland, (as of writing 84%), using all natural methods in my South Dublin clinic. Your IVF Success is too important to leave to some one else, so I handle all these cases personally. 

The goal of this session is to dilatate and expand the cervical opening in order to more easily transfer the embryo into the uterus. It also helps calm and relax you (my patients are often dozing on the table), thereby relaxing the uterus. As a result when the transfer is being performed in your IVF clinic, you are less likely to experience cramping and uterine contractions, thus helping embryo implantation.

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IVF Success Step 3: Attend Your IVF Transfer

After your first IVF Success acupuncture session with me, it's off to your Fertility Clinic (I see patients from SIMS, Beacon CARE Fertility, Thérapie, UnqLife, ReproMed, Merrion Fertility, Waterstones Clinic and more) where they will administer your transfer. 

Congratulations! You are now PUPO!

This is one my favourite things to say and stands for Pregnant Until Prove Otherwise. It will be my goal to keep you pregnant. 

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IVF Success Step 4: Attend Your 2nd Transfer Day Session

After your Transfer you come back to my clinic for your second IVF Success acupuncture session with me. The goal of this session is to increase blood flow and circulation in the uterus, maintaining and deepening implantation of the embryo, and nourish embryo growth.

In additon we continue to reduce stress levels and relax the uterus to prevent contractions that could cause bleeding and miscarriage, as our goal shifts to maintaining pregnancy. This session also takes approximately 45 minutes. 

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IVF Success Step 4: Pregnancy Support

This next step is entirely optional, but most patients continue to see me during the two week wait to elevate progesterone and HCG and continue to see me once a week until they hit the 12 week mark. 

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IVF Success FAQ

How Much Do These Treatments Cost?

Each IVF Success Session is just €100. You'll have 2 schedule on the same day, so the total cost is €200 for up to a 65% increase in IVF Success. That's less than the cost of an initial consultation in most IVF clinics. 

Can I Claim the Costs Back on My Health Insurance?

YES! Absolutely. I am registered with the A.F.P.A. and as such you can claim your treatment costs back from your health insurance provider. My treatments are covered by Aviva, Glo Health, HSF Health Plan, Laya, and VHI. 

Is Two Sessions Really Enough? 

Yes. Studies show that just two session on the day of transfer increase IVF success by up to 65%. (Paulus WE, et al, "Journal of Fertility & Sterility", 2002).

Of course, the more treatment time I have with you the better the outcomes. The general recommendation for both men and women undergoing IVF is to start a course of acupuncture (and herbs, if required) 12 weeks prior to egg extraction. However I work with patients at every stage of their fertility journey. 

What If I don't know when my transfer is? 

That's absolutely fine. I understand that you often don’t get your transfer time until the days leading up to the transfer and have a system in place to handle all the scheduling for your big day.

If you don't have a time or estimate that means I can get you in early to prepare you a little more for the IVF process and work on producing more follicles and thickening the lining of the uterus to prepare for the transfer of embryos. I can also reduce the side effects of the drugs.

And when your transfer date is scheduled it often happens outside of my normal clinical hours so and I frequently come in early, stay late, and even come in on weekends to accommodate your transfer day schedule. There is no extra charge for this or penalty. I work around your IVF clinic and your body's schedule. 

I have an underlying condition or specific diagnosis, can this still help? 

Yes. These two sessions can still dramatically improve your outcomes.

I specialise in fertility and reproductive health and have developed comprehensive programs for PCOS, Endometriosis, Thyroid Problems, Autoimmune Disorders, Immunological Infertility, Block Tubes, Unexplained Infertility and more. 

If you have an underlying condition or specific diagnosis we can discuss that on our free call. It may be best depending on the condition and where you are in your fertility treatment to schedule a full consultation so I make a diagnosis and get that condition resolved so you have the best chance for IVF Success. 

What's Different About Your Clinic

I'm actually a teacher of reproductive health to other acupuncturists in Ireland. I have nearly 20 years of results driven clinical experience and am a specialist in not just Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, but also hold qualifications in Clinical Medicine, Nutrition, Tuina (Chinese Physical Therapy), Cupping, Moxibustion, Ammo Fu, Exercise & Health, Personal Training, and more. 

I am wrote: "Before IVF  - Everything You Need to Know About IVF Fertility Treatments, How it works, why it doesn’t and what you can do to Ensure Your IVF Success", "Eliminating Endometriosis", "How to Put PCOS in Your Past" and the "The Treatment of Subfertility: A Comprehensive Review of the Primary Western Diagnosis of Subfertility and the 9 Primary Corresponding Patterns in TCM; Treatments & Prescriptions" - a professional manual used by acupuncturists in Ireland based on my 2018 lecture series. 

As a result, I am often referred to by the various IVF clinics and fertility specialists in Ireland, and even abroad. My articles, advice and successes have been featured in the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Irish Examiner and even in "Mama a Ja" the top selling mother and baby magazine of the Slovak Republic. 

But the truth is - I care. I really want you to succeed and I will do everything I can to help you. 

I have more questions

Great, I am happy to answer them if I can. Contact me using the form below with any questions you have, or call/text me on 087 901 9627. 

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.


  • Paulus WE, Zhang M, Strehler E, El-Danasouri I, Sterzik K. Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy. Fertil Steril. 2002 Apr;77(4):721-4. doi: 10.1016/s0015-0282(01)03273-3. PMID: 11937123.
  • Dehghani AS, Homayouni K, Kanannejad Z, Kanannejad Z. The effect of acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer on the in vitro fertilization outcomes: An RCT. Int J Reprod Biomed. 2020 Mar 29;18(3):209-214. doi: 10.18502/ijrm.v18i3.6719. PMID: 32309770; PMCID: PMC7142313.
  • Zhang Xian, Lee Myeong Soo, Smith Caroline A., Robinson Nicola, Zhou Yong, Wu Yan, Mao Ying-Ying, Qu Fan. Effects of acupuncture during in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2018;23:14–25. doi: 10.1016/j.eujim.2018.09.001
  • Benson , Ke Elkind-Hirsch, A Theall, K Fong, Rb Hogan, Rt Scott. Impact of acupuncture before and after embryo transfer on the outcome of in vitro fertilization cycles: A prospective single blind randomized study. Fertil Steril 2006; 86 (Suppl.): S135.
  • Morin Scott J., Frattarelli John L., Franasiak Jason M., Juneau Caroline R., Scott Richard T. Laser Acupuncture Before and After Embryo Transfer Improves In Vitro Fertilization Outcomes: A Four-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial. Medical Acupuncture. 2017;29(2):56–65. doi: 10.1089/acu.2017.1218.
  • Phillippi, Kate & Kamel, Lamya & Rubin, D.A.O.M. & Jeelani, Roohi & Soy, Tyler. (2022). DOES INDIVIDUALIZED PRE- AND POST-EMBRYO TRANSFER ACUPUNCTURE AFFECT LIVE BIRTH RATES?. Fertility and Sterility. 118. e269-e270. 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2022.08.755.

Ready to Get Started - Fill out the Form Above, or Call me Directly on 087 901 9627 to Schedule Your IVF Success Sessions. 

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