Endometriosis Nausea

How To Fix it with 1 Pressure Point

By Paul J.O'Brien
B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Cert Clin. Med., Pn1, PN-SSR, PN-NCA, M.T.C.M.C.I., M.C.Th.A.

Endometriosis Nausea and vomiting, are a common occurrence during dysmenorrhea, the painful period’s caused by endometriosis. It's sufficiently awful that numerous ladies experience the ill effects of terribly excruciating periods, but feeling ill on top of that, it's just not fair.

If this wasn't bad enough, this nausea can also be an indication that lost endometrial coating had connected itself to your gastrointestinal organs. 

Thankfully in this article, I will clarify how and why this happens and in particular demonstrate to you best practices to soothe sickness with one straightforward pressure point. :-)

Stop Endometriosis NauseaStop Endometriosis Nausea

Endometriosis is a disorder in which bits of tissue from the internal coating of the uterus (the endometrium) grow inside a woman’s body, but outside of the uterus. The uterus is a hollow organ within a woman’s abdomen where a fertilized egg is implanted and develops into a baby normally over a period of nine months. The endometrium is a lining of the uterus that separates the myometrium from the uterine cavity.

During a woman’s menstrual cycle, the uterus discards the endometrial lining in the form of a thick, glandular, blood vessel-filled tissue as a result of the body’s hormone production. Endometriosis may seem similar to a regular menstrual cycle in the sense that the endometrial lining is still shed off. However, in the case of endometriosis, not all of it is discharged. Instead, some of it gets lost and is transported to other organs in the pelvic cavity. It may attach itself to the bowel, bladder or small intestines among other organs, causing infection, scarring, and worse – infertility...

How Does Endometriosis Cause Nausea?

If endometrial cells grow outside of the uterus they can attach on to bowel, bladder and small intestine all of which are needed to properly break down your food and fluids. For instance, if endometrial tissue grows on the bowel walls it can obstruct passage through the bowel and start causing issues with how the bowel works. If the bowel not working correctly, the entire gastrointestinal tract will become affected and eventually endometriosis nausea will present. This is often due to a build up and backlog of gastric juices that cause queasiness.

Another aspect is the pain.

The formation of masses and cysts, traps blood creating pressure and pan, in addition to the tearing feeling of tissue as it tries to pull away from things it should never have been attached to causes extraordinary torment each month for a woman if she suffers from endometriosis. This pain, combined with a lack of blood leads to spasm and cramps through the entire gastrointestinal tract which in turn causes terrible endometriosis nausea.

How much the indications display and their seriousness can change from woman to woman. Sometimes it is simply a slight cause of nausea at varying points in the day, in others, it can be quite extreme with rough heaving.

Frequently women experiencing endometriosis nausea restrict their food. Simply put, they just don’t desire to eat. This isn’t great and there is a genuine worry that with the decrease in nourishment and combined with vomiting, vital fluid will be lost and the body can become dehydrated. Excessive vomiting may lead to hospitalization to receive intravenous fluids.

Dehydration can be observed in various ways – checking the ketone level in urea (ketone sticks are available in many drug stores and most pharmacies). This helps to monitor electrolyte and hydration levels. The stick indicating the severity of the ketosis. Of course decreased urination or heavily concentrated urination is an obvious indicator that the body may be dehydrated. 

The TCM View of endometriosis Nausea 

A typical reason for endometriosis nausea as per Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a condition called Liver Qi Stagnation. This is a condition where the movement of blood in and out of the Liver is slow or stagnant. This is a classical expression for saying that the function of the Liver is compromised and not working as it should. So what does the Liver do and why is it critical here? 

The Liver Explained 

The liver is the largest and one of the most complex organs in the body. Located on the right side of the abdomen, it performs four basic functions:: 

  • Helps in assimilation by aiding in the retention of fat and certain vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K 
  • Disperses the nutrients found in food
  • Helps "clean" the blood by evacuating medications and poisons 
  • Produces important proteins that affect the blood, such as factors that are essential in making the blood clot after an injury.

Regarding its impact on sickness the liver guides in settling glucose levels, and delivers bile, which helps in the assimilation and ingestion of fats. This is an important factor for concerned with maintaining a specific weight, those who maybe diabetic, suffering from an irritable bowel and it also aids in maintaining a slim waist line and healthy aesthetics.

Bile furthermore works for the assimilation of your food, for example, vitamins A, D, E, and K and medicine that patients take as an immunosuppressive specialist following liver transplantation. Bile is stored in the gallbladder (which is found just beneath the liver) and after that discharged into the digestive tract as required. Together, these organs process the nutrients found in the foods we consume. 

The liver likewise helps channel numerous toxins and waste items from the blood. Most prescriptions are removed from the bloodstream via the liver. What's more, for those keen on a drink or two the liver additionally breaks down any alcohol ingested. 

What Causes Liver Qi Stagnation? 

The most widely recognized explanation behind the development of Liver Qi Stagnation is is chronic exposure to feelings of frustration, bitterness, anger, repressed anger, anxiety, and worry. All extremely common feelings, especially on the planet today, and most particularly when managing fertility challenges.

These feelings, if drawn out over time or in abundance, disturb and prevent the free flow of blood and energy in the body, which harms the working of the interior organs. This is because of the presence and production of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the blood, which slows and thickens the blood, taking it from a free streaming red and transforming it into darker, coagulated, solidified liquid. This is turn can cause the development of masses and cysts as we see in Endometriosis. These blockages cause pain. A considerable measure of it. 

In the interim, the Liver can't evacuate poisons and can't absorb nutrients from our food. The Liver swells somewhat, ejecting excess Bile (gastric juices) into the digestive tract causing queasiness, nausea, regurgitation, vomiting, epigastric pain, absence of hunger, burping and so forth. 

Now you know some of the common causes of endometriosis nausea:

  • Tissue obstructing the gastrointestinal tract 
  • Overabundance of gastric juices 
  • Pain
  • Inability to evacuate poisons and toxins
  • Inability to digest food and fluid

So what can we to do about it? 

Healing Endometriosis and Nausea

Thankfully there is an abundance of studies which have demonstrated that we can treat endometriosis and nausea effectively using natural medicine.

One recent study investigating the effects of traditional treatment on just the pain of endometriosis alone found that “The total effective rate (‘cured’, ‘significantly effective’ or ‘effective’) for auricular acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine was 91.9%” . (Zhu, Xiaoshu, Kindreth D. Hamilton, and Ewan D. McNicol. “Acupuncture for pain in endometriosis.” Sao Paulo Medical Journal 131, no. 6 (2013): 439-439).

The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2001 Sep;46(9):811-4, reported an investigation by Slotnick RN undertaken to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of P-6 for the relief of nausea and vomiting. Both this study and a similar one conducted by Dundee et al., Evans at el., 1993 definitively demonstrated that appropriate stimulation of the acupuncture point reduced nausea and vomiting in patients. I’ll show you how to simulate that exact point next.

A Pressure Point to Relieve Endometriosis Nausea

Massage this point in a clockwise direction 3 times a day for 30 seconds, alternating each side of the body. So for instance, in the morning do all points on the left side, for the afternoon the right…and so on.

Press into each of these points slowly and gradually until you feel a dull aching radiating sensation. Keep at this pressure until that feeling has dissipated. About 30-60 seconds should be all you need, but if it hasn’t eased out continue to the pressure until it has.

Pericardium 6: Located on the inside of the forearm, in between the tendons, approximately 2.5 finger widths below the wrist crease. An excellent point used to reduce endometriosis nausea, irritability, anxiety, and stress. It also helps regulate discomfort and pain in the hypochondriac region and chest, improves poor memory, insomnia, stomach ache, general nausea, vomiting, wrist pain, and neck aches.

Closing Advice

The above pressure point is great for treating Endometriosis Nausea, but it’s only 1 small step in total treatment. Endometriosis can be fought by changing your diet, adding in supplements, meditating, and adopting positive, relaxing lifestyle habits. I teach all of this to my 1-on-1 coaching clients. If you REALLY want to sort out your endometriosis and end that nausea for good, then I highly recommend you hop on a call with me, we figure out why this has developed and fix it together. But I want to give you a few more little tips now…(oh and don’t forget to check my Facebook page for more tips!)


When it comes to dietary changes for endometriosis nausea, the first priority should be the elimination of phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that stimulate estrogens or even cause the production of estrogens, in the human body. They are most commonly found in soya. Avoiding soya is important, but if you cannot, for example, if you are vegan, you must consume fermented soya, like tempeh, to remove the phytoestrogens. Avoiding xenoestrogens is all about avoiding milk and meat from animals that have been given growth hormones, as this is where these compounds are found.


When it comes to supplementation for endometriosis nausea you want to increase your intake of vitamins ACE, of iron, and of Omega oils. This is because all these nutrients improve immune function, and replenish nutrients lost during the excessive bleeding that happens.


When it comes to meditation and relaxation you need to make sure that you are not too overworked or over stressed. Many women work long hours, do all the housework at home, and fret and worry about every little detail of every day in their spare time. This wreaks havoc on our hormones, as the key to handling stress is actually testosterone, which we do not have a lot of. The end result of chronic stress in women is often PCOS or endometriosis. By engaging in mindfulness and meditation we can fight stress at its roots and alleviate our symptoms.

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